Ordering bookbags for girls is becoming more and more expensive year after year. Parents with more than one kid have a tough time when it is back to school season when they need to buy these expensive bookbags for girls because this is not the only expense parents have during the back to school season but a lot of other related expenses also tag along during this season.
If you are facing similar issues then you should know that there are number of ways to save money and to reduce the expenses while buying all types of school supplies including school bags for girls. If you do not look for alternative options then you will seldom find them. One of the most useful approaches here that is highly recommended for the parents is sourcing all types of school supplies from the wholesale suppliers. Do you think that it may not be the best approach because wholesale school supplies means having to buy a whole lot of stuff. Yes, it may be true that all the wholesalers have their own minimum order quantity requirement but it does not have to be as overwhelming as you think in terms of the amount of money you need to spend. To make things even more clearer this is how it works. When you order a good quality school backpack from a retailer you will be spending anywhere around $25 to $30 per backpack. With the store discounts you could get it at little lesser price. Now if you go for the same bag to a wholesaler you will be spending just around $3 per bag. Yes, that is the kind of discount we are talking about. You will not get this price if you are going to buy just one or two backpacks. You need to buy at least one case which will have anywhere between 12 to 24 bags depending on the type of the bag.
Here is your opportunity to make money and not just stop with saving. When you buy a case of backpacks with 24 bags you are going to be left with a whole lot of backpacks. You may use two or three bags per season then what do you do with 20+ backpacks? You sell them off. Yes, you can source good quality backpacks from trusted wholesalers and sell them at a profit to your friends or other parents in the neighborhood. If you have not done this all along, try it this season and you will be happy that you came across this write-up which has now shown you a quick way to make easy money. Just like you all the parents are frantically looking for the best sources to order their schoolbags. If you are going to give them an opportunity to buy them from you directly they are going to be happy. Stop complaining and start making money.