If you are looking for the most comfortable shoes then sneakers are the best choice. This type of shoes is primarily designed for sporting activities and physical exercising. They are also the funky shoe option that you can wear on almost every casual occasion. 1598 Sneakers is one of the online marketplaces that is launched in the latest. It is one of the best places to buy and sell sneakers. It enables the sellers to have their own online store to sell their products while the buyers have the option to browse through the variety of sneakers available at this store. It doesn’t matter either you want to sell or buy the new or used sneakers, www.1598shop.com is the perfect place to fulfill your needs.

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An easy way to sell sneakers on 1598 Sneakers

Sellers are required to get the membership of 1598 Sneakers to sell sneakers on this store. After getting the paid membership of this online store, the sellers can easily put sneakers for sale. The sellers don’t have to give any percentage of sales to this online store. Hence, all the profits of the sales remain with the sellers. It also allows the sellers to promote their private stores according to their own choice.  For the customers, it works in a different way. It allows them to make money by selling off their old sneakers. They just have to upload the pictures of their used sneakers on the store wait for the customers to give you a call for purchase. Don’t miss out to share your contact details.

Quick delivery services by 1598 Sneakers

All the products sold at 1598 Sneakers store are delivered to the end customer directly by the store. As soon as an order is received, the store initiates the delivery processes. The delivery services are prompt to avoid the delays in the delivery of the orders. The direct shipping services help in eliminating the wholesalers to cut down the profits.

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Connect with the customers in an easy way    

This store allows anyone to have their own store set up and sell the sneakers. The biggest problem which the sellers often face is connecting with the customers. This problem is eliminated at this store as. Apart from this, the feature of private chats and activity feeds are there which helps the customers to get connected with the sellers to finalize the deal of sneakers sale. Thus, sellers are able to provide the best customer support in the real time.

By Leonel Thompson

Anna Thompson: Anna, a former fashion editor, offers readers a curated look into the world of high fashion. Her blog features runway analysis, designer profiles, and style tips.