Purchasing a pair of sneakers isn’t as easy as people may think. In fact, it can be one of the most challenging processes. It is especially true because the sneaker industry is loaded with hundreds and thousands of different sneakers. So, making a decision can be the toughest.
However, that doesn’t mean you must pick any and every shoe that hits the market. Remember, not every shoe is designed as per your needs. Every sneaker has its own quality. Therefore, choosing based on your needs is vital, too.
In this blog, check out the five common mistakes that many people make when purchasing a new pair of sneakers like Jordan 12 Utility.
1- Opting for incorrect size and style
It is always best to compare shoe specifications to ensure you are purchasing the correct style and size as per your needs. It is especially important when purchasing online.
Also, avoid buying very tight shoes in hopes of breaking into them with time. If possible, meet a podiatrist to determine your feet’ unique needs.
2- Not researching before purchasing
No matter what you wish to purchase, it is best to be an informed consumer. This way, you will be aware of the difficulties that you might encounter with your purchase.
For instance, if you shop online, you can use the chat/email or contact us option on the seller’s website to gain more details on the available products, shipping, return policy, etc., to be on the safer side.
3- Brand hoping constantly
If possible, stick to one brand that works for you. Many people switch brands to experience something new, but this only leads to more confusion in choosing which brand is ideal.
Unless the design that you are accustomed to changes, it is best to stick with one particular brand. This way, you can even curate your shoe collection around the brand.
4- Not paying heed to fundamentals
When purchasing sneakers, it is best to heed to fundamentals. For instance, if you run with the sneakers on, you might want a style that has a sturdy, comfortable sole.
5- Forgetting to update sneakers
It is best to practice a habit of updating sneakers regularly. For instance, if you exercise with your sneakers on, you will notice significant wear and tear sooner in your shoes.
If possible, change your shoes after 400 miles. This way, you can offer adequate support to your feet and prevent pain.
Over to you
It is normal for first-time buyers to make mistakes when purchasing a new pair of shoes. But, since sneakers like Jordan 12 Utility don’t come with a cheap price tag, making a mistake will cost you a fortune.
So, use the tips suggested above to ensure your sneaker purchase is worthy in every aspect.